Changes to the Resident Selection Criteria of M2-Kodit – Income Limits Introduced from 1 January 2025

Starting at the beginning of the year, maximum income limits will be applied to all government-supported rental housing. These income limits will affect both new tenant selections and any changes of residence within M2-Kodit’s properties.

From 1 January 2025, the tenant selection process for government-supported rental housing will change as maximum income limits are introduced in line with Prime Minister Orpo’s government programme. Going forward, tenant selection will consider income limits in addition to the urgency of housing need and the applicant’s wealth.

The maximum income limit for a household with one adult will be €3,540 per month before taxes. For households with more than one adult, the income limit will increase by €2,480 per additional adult. The increase for an income limit for children under 18 is smaller; for the first child under 18, the limit increases by €650, and by €600 for each subsequent child.

These changes will apply to everyone applying for a new rental home from M2-Kodit as well as current residents looking to move within M2-Kodit properties. The purpose of the income limits is to better target government-supported rental housing towards those with lower incomes and less wealth.

Examples of the income limits:

Household Members Income Limit
1 adult € 3540
2 adults € 6020
1 adult and 1 child € 4190
2 adults and 1 child € 6670
2 adults and 2 children € 7270
2 adults and 3 children € 7870

Source: ARA

Income limits not applicable before next year

The income limits will take effect from 1 January 2025, and until the end of the year, tenant selection will be based on current criteria without income limits. Until then, tenant selection will consider the urgency of the applicant’s housing need and their household’s wealth.

Current residents will not be required to provide income information when changing homes before 2025. Exceptions to the tenant selection criteria can still be made in special cases, such as in urgent situations or if there are no other applicants who meet the new criteria.


ARA apartments are built with government loans, and their rents are regulated. The allocation of housing is guided by the urgency of the housing need and asset limits, which vary by municipality. In future, income limits will be introduced.