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All M2-Kodit buildings

Apartments Oulu

Sulkakuja 3-7

Kaakkuri 90420 Oulu

Year of construction: 2005

apartment building/balcony access block, 52 apartments

Veteraanikatu 4

Intiö 90130 Oulu

Year of construction: 2004

apartment building, 53 apartments

Koulukatu 3

Myllytulli 90100 Oulu

Year of construction: 1948

apartment building, 24 apartments

Heikinkatu 31

Myllytulli 90100 Oulu

Year of construction: 1947

apartment building, 24 apartments

Heikinkatu 27

Myllytulli 90100 Oulu

Year of construction: 1948

apartment building, 28 apartments

Pesätie 4

Kaakkuri 90420 Oulu

Year of construction: 2003

apartment building, 43 apartments

Pinkelikatu 2

Toppila 90520 Oulu

Year of construction: 1997

apartment building, 54 apartments

Pinkelikatu 6

Toppila 90520 Oulu

Year of construction: 1998

apartment building, 57 apartments

Sellukatu 15

Toppila 90520 Oulu

Year of construction: 1994

apartment building, 46 apartments

Järvitie 20

Puolivälinkangas 90550 Oulu

Year of construction: 1993

apartment building, 30 apartments

Postipojankuja 2

Mäntylä 90150 Oulu

Year of construction: 1993

apartment building/balcony access block, 42 apartments