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All M2-Kodit buildings

Apartments Lahti

Kaarikatu 9

Asemantausta 15100 Lahti

Year of construction: 2003

balcony access block, 38 apartments

Vasamakatu 6-8

Asemantausta 15100 Lahti

Year of construction: 1992

balcony access block, 6 apartments

Mallaskatu 8

Keski-Lahti 15140 Lahti

Year of construction: 2005

apartment building, 22 apartments

Mallaskatu 10

Keski-Lahti 15140 Lahti

Year of construction: 2005

apartment building, 34 apartments

Nuolikatu 10

Asemantausta 15100 Lahti

Year of construction: 1995

apartment building, 35 apartments

Kevätkatu 1

Kilpiäinen 15240 Lahti

Year of construction: 1968

apartment building, 72 apartments

Jyrkänkatu 14

Kerinkallio 15500 Lahti

Year of construction: 1977

apartment building, 25 apartments

Pohjanakanpolku 30

Kiveriö 15200 Lahti

Year of construction: 1991

apartment building, 22 apartments

Jyrkänkatu 10

Kerinkallio 15500 Lahti

Year of construction: 1977

apartment building, 45 apartments

Jyrkänkatu 6

Kerinkallio 15500 Lahti

Year of construction: 1976

apartment building, 45 apartments

Jyrkänkatu 2

Kerinkallio 15500 Lahti

Year of construction: 1971-72

apartment building, 44 apartments

Luhtikatu 2

Kerinkallio 15500 Lahti

Year of construction: 1971

apartment building, 96 apartments

Uustorpankatu 2

Ahtiala 15300 Lahti

Year of construction: 1993

balcony access block, 28 apartments

Korkeakatu 4

Niemi 15140 Lahti

Year of construction: 1997

apartment building, 36 apartments

Kauppakatu 34

Keskusta 15140 Lahti

Year of construction: 1996

apartment building, 21 apartments

Kauppakatu 29

Keskusta 15140 Lahti

Year of construction: 1998

apartment building, 50 apartments