Tenant activity

Tenant activities

Come join in the tenant activities! Our goal is to increase community spirit and enhance living comfort. M2-Kodit’s tenant activities consist of three tiers.

Resident Committees

WHAT – A building-specific group for residential activities, whose members and chairperson are elected every two years. Participation in residential activities is voluntary and unpaid.

TASK – Organize activities among the building’s residents, such as communal events. Activities are funded by building-specific allocations.

Asukasakatemia (Tenant academy)

WHAT – Online courses open to all residents on topics related to living.

TASK – The Resident Academy provides additional information on residential activities and related issues. Speakers and experts addressing emerging questions include specialists in the field and representatives from M2-Kodit.

Vaikuttajaryhmä (Influencer Group)

WHAT – Consists of M2-Kodit’s tenants interested in participating in the planning, development, and testing of tenant activities and providing opinions to support M2-Kodit’s decision-making.

TASK – Group members offer diverse perspectives and ideas as housing experts. Communication primarily occurs virtually. Activities include electronic surveys, discussions, testing, workshops, and familiarization visits. Smaller groups of experts within the Vaikuttajaryhmä may be formed for targeted questions.

M2-Kotien Board Member

WHAT – M2-Kotien resident representative serving as a full-fledged member of the board as defined in Section 9 of the Co-Ownership Act.

TASK – Expected to familiarize themselves with the company, participate in board discussions, and especially represent the views of the residents in decision-making.

How to participate in residential activities?

To participate in residential activities, get in touch with your building’s resident committee or email m2asukastapahtumat@ysaatio.fi.

Residential activities materials

When planning a meeting, it is advisable to create an agenda to structure the meeting and facilitate the tasks of the chairperson and secretary. It is useful to include the meeting agenda in the meeting invitation so that the agenda can be approved as the meeting’s order of business.

Among the responsibilities of the resident committee chairperson are leading and organizing the committee’s meetings, monitoring agreed-upon tasks, and liaising with the property manager. Additionally, the chairperson is responsible for the committee’s financial matters.

The secretary of the resident committee is responsible for preparing meeting minutes and agendas together with the chairperson, as well as ensuring the proper storage of documents. The chairperson or secretary provides copies of all committee minutes to the property manager to keep them informed of the building’s events.